Tuesday, June 05, 2018

Attempts by coterie to run down others work

The coterie is also in to, attempts, to run down the achievements of others.
I am also a victim of this nefarious attempts. I have never staked claim to anything I have not done, but with pride I can say I have contributed significantly to Periyar and Eravikulam.
One of my boys in Periyar had overstepped, in his attempts at protection. He was a great forester and I deliberately owned up the whole thing to protect him. If I had not done it he would probability have ended up behind the bar. I had to do a tight rope walk for months to come out of the incident unscathed. It was mental and physical agony for months. The guy involved is still greatful to me, but the coterie says I have usurped credit for what this guy has done and that too after all these years.
 Similarly I can unabashedly say that  in Eravikulam it was I, who ended the poaching. Even before the rest of the country had even thought about it, I had made Eravikulam a litter free, plastic free park. Sorry guys, to bring in all this stuff here. I was forced to do this as the coterie was propagating falshood.