1 Tahrcountry Musings: Back from the Oblivian - Sri Lanka's Horton Plains Slender loris

Monday, July 19, 2010

Back from the Oblivian - Sri Lanka's Horton Plains Slender loris

For over six decades the Horton Plains slender loris (Loris tardigradus nycticeboides,) was thought to be extinct by researchers. The subspecies has been seen only four times since 1937.  Attempts to photograph the animal did not succeed.
The species has been rediscovered during a recent expedition by the scientists of the Zoological Society of London working in conjunction with Sri Lankan scientists. They have also managed to get photographs of the elusive animal. The picture shows an adult male characterized by short limbs and long dense fur, sitting on a tree.
Horton Plains slender loris measure about 6-10inches in length. The research team has estimated an upper count of 100 and a lower count of 60 for the animal.
The researchers say the rediscovered loris could even be a species in its own right
For a picture of the animal which has appeared  in Metro.co.uk click HERE

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